Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Rudolf Pancakes

So I found these really cute pancakes on pinterest and knew I had to make them. I couldn't wait! How festive and fun for kids to wake up to Rudolf on their plates.

I used sausages on mine but the one I saw used bacon, I say use whatever you like. I used what I had on hand and it happened to be sausages. I bakes mine in the oven since I'm not a fan of the smoke and the mess of frying them. I also do my bacon in the oven, much easier. I will do a whole package and then when we're done with breakfast I freeze the rest. When I need some bacon or sausage I pull however many pieces I need out and throw them in the microwave, this process just seems to work for me.

Alright enough about how I make breakfast meat. You're here for the pancakes. I used my whole wheat apple pancakes for these. I had some frozen strawberries left over from my smoothies and I got a few out thawed them and put them on for Rudolph's nose. You could use anything red and roundish, raspberries, candy. For the eyes I grabbed a couple chocolate chips and used them.

I made some small pancakes for the ears but I also thought bananas would work as well. Just cut a couple slices and there you go, ears. I didn't have bananas so small pancakes it was.

I made the first one and thought, ok this is not a reindeer, it's a bear. Then I had to go look at the picture to figure out what I was missing. It's obvious now but I just could not see it then. But my slight brain loss was just fine since I discovered, hey I can do a bear no matter what season.

I took two sausages and cut them in half. That way they're not running around. Put two slices on whole and then cut the ones left in half to get the branches. I loved how cute they were, just be warned it was a lot of pancakes. If you have little ones make these guys small.

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